
The Hottest Fashion

New iPhone/Blackberry Clutch

Lego Revival

United Nude

New Jelly Toy Watch

These watches are so Dope.Like they would go with anything you put one.
Like i have to get one like really. And i would be the only one at sckool with a Dope watch like that. They come in different colors which is Cool by the way.
I love the pink,&& yellow.The fluro/rainbow color trend is still moving off the RTW catwalks and into accessories with a bang.

Josh Goot Shows Super Sharp Graphics In London

If Goot's bold colors freak you out, fear not, the designer also showed a section of less-in-your-face black and white prints, which, while still precise and complex will probably appeal to a broader range of customers


Marc Jacobs The 80's Baby

The 80's are one of my favorites.
This is soo Sexy like you don't
even really know!

I just love the this Outfit.Like if i could wear my own clothes I would so wear this too Skool!!

The colors are the best Yellow and Blue with some black in it.
It go's Together Really WELL.